On Saturday 16 and Sunday 17, the authorities of the National Civil Aviation Administration (ANAC) met with Aeroclubs of Southern Patagonia. The 1st Meeting of Patagonian Aeroclubs – as the event was called – was held in El Calafate, more precisely in the hangar of the Aeroclub Lago Argentino, located within the premises of the Armando Tola International Airport.

ANAC authorities presented the National Program for the Promotion of Civil Aviation, aimed at boosting the activity of private aircraft in our country. On the other hand, each participating Aeroclub presented the reality in which they find themselves, in order to show the problems they currently face and to be able to look for solutions together.
It is important to note the attitude of this Administration, which devoted a whole afternoon of the meeting, simply to listen to the current affairs of the aeroclubs in the area and their particular problems.
YPF personnel were also present along with ANAC. The talk/discussion that ensued was very interesting and constructive, as fuel is currently one of the main impediments to growth in the sector. Fortunately, the exhibition was accompanied by important news: work is underway to install a 100LLL plant at the El Calafate Airport.

Another of the points presented by YPF for consideration is the establishment of a fuel supply system for all air clubs that do not have a fuel plant or storage tanks. One of the options, and the one most widely accepted at the meeting, is to distribute 200-liter homologated drums. suitable for 100LLL fuel storage; these containers would be replaced (in the style of gas cylinders), solving the problems of authorized storage, differential consumption, transportation, among others.
In this Patagonian Meeting, our institution , represented by the president of the Board of Directors, Eduardo Ortega, raised several issues related to the daily operations of the Aeroclub.  Among them are the following:
– Enabling a fuel tank for storage of AVGAS 100LLL at Malvinas Argentinas International Airport.
– Elimination of the high costs that implies the summoning of an inspector to take theoretical/practical exams, such as airfare, hotel, travel expenses, etc.
– Prompt solution to the internal issue of ANAC, which prevents the arrival of an inspector for the annual authorization of the Flight Simulator, which is overdue.  In this regard, it was indicated that we have already paid for the tickets in the name of Mr. Héctor PONS who was scheduled to arrive in Ushuaia on 05/03/2013, but has not yet arrived.
– Facilitate the operation of our pilots with the PSA authorities.  This issue was raised by each and every one of those present at the meeting.
– Regarding the foliation of the Flight Books, it was requested the elimination of the obligation of the pilots -who foliate in Buenos Aires- to present the charts or certified photocopies of them. It was remarked that our Club sends  the charts where the flight activity is reflected on a monthly basis.
– To reduce the cost of the 100LL of Aeronafta used by the General Aviation.
– Loans for the promotion of aeronautical activities, with long repayment terms and subsidized rates.
– To obtain the free importation of aircraft, parts and spare parts for aeronautical institutions.
Also proposed the creation of the Federation Patagonian Aeroclubs in order to deal directly with the authorities of the ANAC. This proposal obtained a high consensus and the  total adhesion of those present.  In this regard, a letter of intention is being drafted to give shape and start the creation of the Federation, that in principle would have seat in our city.
The authorities present gathered all the concerns in order to analyze them and provide a solution in the short term. It was agreed that the next Patagonian meeting will be hosted by the Aeroclub Ushuaia.
For all the above mentioned, for the excellent reception provided by the Aeroclub Lago Argentino, the atmosphere of camaraderie and the fact of having been pleasantly surprised by a government agency open to know and seek solutions to our problems, is that we left El Calafate really satisfied with the shared experience.