

On June 16, 1949 arrived to Ushuaia City a Piper PA12 (LV-YDZ), that was commanded by the inspector Alberto Vico, member of the Civil Aviation National Direction. He was accompanied by Don Gerardo Lorenzo. This trip helps to motivate the activity.

Vico was a pioneer: he had helped to create many Air Clubs in the Patagonia.


On August 30, 1954 formally met a group of aviation enthusiasts, appointing a “temporary committee to represent the group of supporters of the air activity and to work for the immediate organization of the entity “.

The first commission was formed by Francisco RESTOVIC, as President; Vicente PADIN as Secretary; and George Miles, as Treasurer. The Ushuaia Airoclub was founded. On September 5, 1954, the institution was legally established.

In 1955 the permission to operate in the local airfiel was processed. On January 24, 1958 the legal status was obtained and the authorization for the construction of the first hangar was recived.
On May 10, 1959 was inaugurated Flight School and Training Centerwith only a three-seat Piper PA12, registration LVYDU Marti Lawrence and Thomas Goodall were injured. In December, the Civil Aviation Instructor Daniel Mini, in command of a Piper PA18, LQZJP; arrived so as to start the courses. This course consisted of the following students: Bronzovic Jorge andres, John Carlos Juncosa, Domenc Oriole, his wife Mercedes Elizalde and Carlos Herrera. The first “solo-flight” was Jorge Bronsovic (February 1960). Mercedes was the first woman pilot of Tierra del Fuego.

In late 1960 began the second year of courses, with six students, among them Antonio Beros, Miguel Pink, Lucia Favale, Emilio Szczepanski, Tomislao Bronsovic and Jose Pastoriza.

On September 25, 1961, a Cessna Skywagon (LV-HSW) was purchased.

The last course (supported by the state), was in charge of Luis Cuniberti (1962). The course was made in a small area protected from winds called“Kutalateka” near Harberton Ranch, where the winds are calm. Six more students became pilots.

In 1963another aircraft was incorporated, a Cessna 172, registrationLV-FNV, by this time the Airclub had 3 aircratf, in addition to the   Piper school-aircraft.
By 1964 the population of the south coast, from Ushuaia to Bahia Aguirre, were attended regularly by the services provided by the Aeroclub, transporting food, medicinenewsoften with a considerable risk due to the characteristics of the terrain and weather conditions.

In 1965, the Flight School had it own instructor: Vladimir Bronzovic, who had obtained his instructor licence. On 1967, the Gouberment confided a twin-engine Piper Aztec to the Aeroclub, with room for two crew and four passengers. This aircraft was symbol of the prestige of the institution. That same year the Cessna 172 landed in Rock Port, United States Island: it was the first aircraft that landed there.
In October 1968 another PA-12, was bought (registration LVYHN).

By 1971, the increase of tourism activity, led to a new activity, resulting in an important source of resources for the club: sightseen flight, a half hour circuit was designed. This year th Cessna 185 was replaced by a Cessna 206, registration LVINX, more suitable for the weather conditions of the area.
In 1973 two other aircraft were incorporated, a Piper Chrokee 140, registration LVLCF and a Cessna 206, six-seat, registration LVJGL.

In 1974 the first aeronautical festival was celebrated, commemorating 20 years of the institution and the 15 years of the Flight School. At that time.
In 1978, a Piper PA32-300, was included, registration LV-MEN. In 1981 to Piper PA28-181 Archer II, registration LVOOD and a Piper Lance PA32-300RT with retractable landing gear (registration LV-MLY) were incorporated too.
During 1984, the main hangar was built, with625m2. In 1985 was named Pilot Mario Marconcini who was an aviation pioneer in Tierra del Fuego.

In 1986 a twin-engine Cessna 310, registration LV-LSH was bought. A worckshopThe house, storage room , bathroom, and pilot office were built.
In 1994 another aircraft Piper Cherokee PA-28-140, registration LVLZF for school was bought.
In 1997 the Aeroclub faced a difficult situation of having to dismantle and move their valuable facilities (located at the Naval Base) due to the Navy project to build an integrated base there.

The history of the Aeroclub Ushuaia daily builds. We, the members and managers, have the firm intention to never end it.